Sunday, March 29, 2009

  • Impeachment Is Off the Table:
    • Taking a page from Pelosi's playbook to win in 2008, Obama afraid to reinstitute the U.S. ban on assault weapons (newsweek) -- It doesn't matter what disastrous consequences may occur in the meantime as a result of inaction, winning the next election is all that really matters to these Democrats, even though when they do win and don the mantle of power, they're still afraid to boldly do the right thing because there's always another election just a couple years away. -- The sad news is that by not doing certain of the right things that Obama is afraid to even touch, he is setting himself to be a one-termer and setting the nation up to fall again under the tyranny of conservative nutjobs who give not a whit about the meaning of democracy.
  • Global Broiling:
    • Obama Is Satisfied With three/tenths of a mile increase in mileage rate per gallon by 2011 (freep) -- Good Boy Scout Obama unwilling to lean on poor, destitute car manufacturers who already have the technical knowhow to kick up the mileage rate to 40 mpg or better, and have already built working prototypes, but have withheld their introduction to the marketplace for years. Well, Brother Barack, we don't have the time to fiddle with this fractional bullshit while Mother Earth is starting to simmer.
  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
    • Lendman: Obama's Latest No Banker Left Behind Scheme (sjlendman)
  • Our Liberal Media:
    • Greenwald: Newsweek's Unintentionally Revealed, Central Truth (salon) "In his just-released cover story on Paul Krugman's status as Obama critic, Newsweek's Evan Thomas includes these observations: By definition, establishments believe in propping up the existing order. Members of the ruling class have a vested interest in keeping things pretty much the way they are. Safeguarding the status quo, protecting traditional institutions, can be healthy and useful, stabilizing and reassuring. Thomas then acknowledges what is glaringly obvious not only about himself but also most of his media-star colleagues: 'If you are of the establishment persuasion (and I am) . . .'"
  • A Dash of Sanity, At Least A Little:
    • New York to Raise State Tax Rate on Incomes Above $300,000 (nytimes)
    • Zero-Tolerance Drug Policies Wreak Havoc on Children’s Education (projo) -- These cruel, draconian laws have destroyed innumerable families and lives and have overfed the gluttonous, grotesque prison-industrial complex. Stupid, lazy politicians have taken the easy way to get votes from a stupid, lazy public that permits such laws to be passed.
  • Signals of a Strange Universe (apod)