Friday, April 3, 2009

  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
    • Robert Reich: It's a Depression (robertreich) "This is still not the Great Depression of the 1930s, but it is a Depression. And the only way out is government spending on a very large scale. We should stop worrying about Wall Street. Worry about American workers. Use money to build up Main Street, and the future capacities of our workforce."
  • Global Broiling:
    • G20 stimulus package has 'short-changed the planet' (guardian/uk) "Officials stressed that the objective of the G20 summit was to agree to an economic strategy. But campaigners say that if tough measures to fight global warming are not agreed soon, the consequences will be far worse than the global financial crisis." -- Much too optimistic a statement. Because of global momentum to continue to pump more and more global warming gases into the atmosphere, our goose, dear reader, is probably already cooked. Nothing left but the basting. Enjoy the sights and sounds of nature as you have the chance, because they probably will mostly be fried over the next 100 years, including your children. Thanks a lot, G20, living up to your well-deserved reputation of being generally useless on the things that really matter.
    • We spend more money on Halloween than we do on research and development of renewable energy sources.
  • Your Liberal Media:
    • The Real Thing: Goodman, Greenwald Honored for 'Path-Breaking' Journalism (theithican - pbs video)
    • The Phony Thing: Something is Rotten at PBS (commondreams) Reid: "It might be perfectly reasonable for people to disagree about health policy. But it's not perfectly reasonable to mislead the American people on national television in the middle of a health care crises when Congress is shaping legislation that will mean life or death for the for-profit health insurance industry."
  • A Dash of Sanity - Equality in Marriage:
    • Iowa Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriages. Unanimous decision. (americablog - lawdork)
  • Light Echoes from V838 Mon (apod)