Monday, April 6, 2009

  • Restore the Rule of Law And Legal Accountability!
    • Prosecute or Perish: A Follow-Up (bradblog) "If waterboarding was a war crime when the Japanese did it to my father, why isn't it a war crime anymore?" See also my original 03-25-09 entry (Prosecute or Perish . . .).
  • Our Dysfunctional Experiment With Democracy - Gone, Gone, Gone:
    • Conyers Explains Failure to Impeach (firedoglake) -- Conyers wants a blue-ribbon commission such as the 9/11 Whitewash Commission - Gawd Forbid! Or maybe like the Warren Whitewash Commission?
  • Health Notes - Raw Veggies?
    • A Dose of Broccoli a Day Might Protect the Stomach (usnews) "consuming 2½ ounces of broccoli sprouts per day may help guard against H. pylori, a bacterium that is tied to ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer" -- See also reported benefits of raw cruciferous vegetables.
  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • Robert Reich: Will Geithner Fire Corporate America? (robertreich)
    • Chris Hedges: Resist or Become Serfs (truthdig/cd)
    • Lendman: Obama's War on Labor (sjlendman) "Imagine the hypocrisy - open-checkbook trillions for Wall Street criminals v. a thinly disguised war on organized labor by scolding the auto giants for not forcing their workers to make greater sacrifices."
    • Dean Baker: A Trillion Dollars for the Banks: How About a Second Opinion? (commondreams) "The Geithner plan is an effort to rescue the banks by using government funding to prop up the price of these bad loans to levels that will allow the banks to stay solvent. It is not clear that the plan is big enough to accomplish this goal, but that is the basic intention. If it doesn't work, then presumably Geithner will come out with another TARP permutation that involves giving the banks even more money. There is an alternative. Rather than using government money to keep them alive, we could force the banks to go through a type of managed bankruptcy process like the one that is currently being proposed for General Motors and Chrysler."
    • Study Finds Toxic Assets Truly Worthless, Geithner’s Plan ‘Will Simply Transfer Wealth [Your Taxes]’ To Banks (wonkroom)
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers:
    • Keeping up the friction with Russia, and despite his disarmament pledge, Neocon Obama goes ahead with missile defense shield (thetelegraph)
    • Jeremy Scahill: US Hypocrisy on North Korea: Let's Talk About Israel's Nukes (rebelreports) "Obama said of North Korea’s satellite launch: “Rules must be binding… Violations must be punished.” He used Iran to justify a controversial missile system. What about Israel’s nukes and violations?"
    • Pol Pot's chief torturer says U.S. policy fueled rise of Khmer Rouge (thestar) "Cambodia became a Cold War battlefield in 1969 when the Nixon administration began bombing routes in the east of the country that Soviet-backed North Vietnamese troops were using to transport men and supplies for their war against the U.S.-backed regime in Saigon. In 1970, then Prince Norodom Sihanouk was ousted in a coup led by U.S.-backed General Lon Nol, who cranked up the war against Vietnamese and Cambodian communists. . . . 'Prince Sihanouk called on the Cambodian people to go and join the communist Khmer Rouge in the jungle and that allowed the Khmer Rouge to build up their troops from 1970 to 1975,' he said."
  • International Space Station Expands Again (apod)