Thursday, April 9, 2009

  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
    • Matt Yglesias: Wells Fargo Posts Record Profit (thinkprogress) but not exactly what you would describe as 'high quality earnings.' "It’s just to observe that the profits are less a sign of recovery than they are a sign of how much [government] policy activism we’re witnessing." -- It is also suspected by other observers that Citigroup's unexpected profit (that kicked off this month-long stock market rally) was possible only because AIG had funneled money to Citigroup from the TARP funds. So my question is: how much of WFC's record profits are sham in order to keep the rally going? After all, a rallying market at this time presents the impression that Obama's fixes for the economy are good and working. Big plus for Barack and his gang.
  • Restore the Rule of Law And Legal Accountability:
    • Murder Trumps Torture Says Bugliosi - An Interview (opednews)
  • Separation of Church and State -- Another Broken Obama Promise:
  • Phoebe: Comet Moon of Saturn (apod)