Sunday, May 10, 2009

  • The Biggest Theft in History:
    • The Depression that Hayek Built (firedoglake) -- Click here to enlarge the graphic.
  • The Flu - Let's All Be Scared to Death:
    • Top flu expert warns of a swine flu-bird flu mix (washingtonpost) "Bird flu kills more than 60 percent of its human victims, but doesn't easily pass from person to person. Swine flu can be spread with a sneeze or handshake, but kills only a small fraction of the people it infects. So what happens if they mix?" -- There is a bit of evidence out there that suggests that the A-H1N1 may be a bio-engineered flu virus. Is this the ultimate way the good folks who may have created it planned all the time to use it. What an answer to the man-made global broiling problem! Consider a world with a billion or two fewer people demanding products and services that require the emission of global warming gases to produce them. Actually, while horrible, a billion or two would not be a extremely large number when compared to the scope of the global broiling catastrophe -- and the fact that the world's population has lately been doubling about every forty years. But it could buy the super-elites in charge a little time to work on the global warming emissions problem in a way that might actually prevent the destruction of all terrestrial species in the next one to two hundred years, which seems to be the way we're now headed. After all, if the super-elite want to rule the world with the new world order they've been pushing for years, they have to have a world of people left to rule. -- If it happens, just like the poor people of New Orleans, we're going to be on our own. Get prepared to be on your own for weeks or months. If it is severe enough, essential services will shut down because of lack of manpower. That even includes groceries, gasoline stations, electricity, water supply, and possibly others. Get real. Get prepared. It's something we all should have been preparing for all along in anticipation for the possible development of a bird flu pandemic.
    • Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D (medicalnewstoday) "All of the patients on my ward had been taking 2,000 units of vitamin D every day for several months or longer. Could that be the reason none of my patients caught the flu?" -- I think he's talking about a garden-variety flu strain, not a bio-engineered version. Even so, who knows what benefit such steps might help, including being up to date on one's pneumonia vaccinations, since pneumonia produces so many of the fatalities in ordinary flu rampages?
    • Will Summer Weather Suppress Swine Flu? (washingtonpost)
    • Links: Flu Wiki Forum, a source of flu information from around the world. - has lots of ideas about preparing for it. But don't trust them when they say to store a week or two of water and food. Multiply that several times. - has the growing series of 'Flu and You' articles from DemFromCT (part 8 up at Daily KOS today). - Getpandemicready for 3-months of preparation suggestions.
  • M31: The Andromeda Galaxy (apod) -- The largest and most distant object you can see with the naked eye.