Monday, May 11, 2009

  • Military-Industrial Profiteers -- Seeing the Matrix for What It Is:
    • What is the difference between a Middle Eastern terrorist (therefore worthy of prison and torture) and a U.S. soldier fighting in the Middle East (a hero)? One thing only: institutionalized government backing. Many of the so-called terrorists who were tortured in Gitmo and secret prisons were merely Taliban fighters picked up as they tried to escape across the mountains to Pakistan - not even necessarily caught in an act of aggression against U.S. forces. Some were merely non-combatant men against whom their captors or accusers had personal grudges to settle, and along the the way, collect a bounty for their contribution to fighting the 'war on terror'. Bush and the dutiful lapdog U.S. press dubbed them 'terrorists', even though they would never think of dubbing a captured U.S. bomber pilot or captured U.S. soldier on the ground a terrorist. If a U.S. soldier were captured, s/he would be expected to be designated a 'prisoner of war' and receive the full protections of the Geneva Conventions. As the opponent with the world's biggest arsenal of WMD's and biggest bully pulpit, this distinction should make us really proud of ourselves, right? Why could they possibly hate us?
    • DADT - Shameful, Expensive, Wasteful Institutionalized Bigotry: SLDN accuses Obama of caving to religious right on military ban (americablog - sldn) -- Do I smell a Clintonesque sellout brewing?
    • Pakistani President Zadari: Osama Was an Operator for the United States And Has Been Dead for Some Time (youtube)
    • “America’s Disappeared”: Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi Has Died In A Libyan Prison (informationclearinghouse) The man "whose claim that Saddam Hussein had been involved in training al-Qaeda operatives in the use of chemical and biological weapons was used to justify the invasion of Iraq — has died in a Libyan jail" -- How convenient for Bush and his Gang. Isn't it curious that so many key witnesses and players in Bush's crimes have somehow ended up dead before they could testify?
  • Forty Thousand Meteor Origins Across the Sky (apod)