Sunday, May 17, 2009

  • Military-Industrial Profiteers: Absolutely Cynical Lunatic Playing an Absolutely Delusional Lunatic Like a Violin !!!
  • Israel: The Abused Victim That Has Become the Insatiable Abuser:
    • AIPAC: The Israel lobby is aiming to soften up US public opinion for an attack on Iran (guardian/uk)
  • Barack McSame Obama:
    • Obama Can’t Turn the Page on Bush (nytimes) "Until there is true transparency and true accountability, revelations of that unresolved eight-year nightmare will keep raining down drip by drip, disrupting the new administration’s high ambitions." -- I wouldn't be so generous. From Obama's pattern of behavior so far, I would call them "the new administration's alleged high ambitions."
    • Caught in Another Lie: US Is Using White Phosphorus in Afghanistan As an Illegal Weapon (commondreams)
    • Obama's EPA clears 42 of 48 New Mountaintop Removal Mining Permits (wvgazette)
    • Lest We Forget Sibel Edmonds: Rob Kall Interviews Sibel Edmonds (opednews) -- Still muzzled by the man who promised transparency in his government.
  • Intrusive Big-Brother government:
  • Mimas: Small Saturn Moon with a Big Crater (apod)