Tuesday, May 19, 2009

  • Those Venerable Members of Congress - They'll Always Do Their Best for Their Constituents - But What About For a Healthy Democracy?
    • Who Needs Enemies When You Have Friends Like Harry Reid? Harry Reid Embraces Republican Talking Points (dailykos)
      • Not to worry, he's making it easier for a GOPer to replace him in 2010: NV-Sen: Tough numbers for Reid (dailykos)
  • Barack McSame Obama:
    • Greenwald: Obama's embrace of Bush terrorism policies is celebrated as "Centrism" (salon)
    • Obama is becoming a consummate politician (onlinejournal) "A presumed purveyor of change for America, Obama is showing us not so much the road to change for the nation but how he is personally accepting unsavory change. His apologists, many of my progressive friends among them, may say that there is a master plan behind the president’s surrendering on many progressive and moral issues, but that is only hope mixed with tons of rationalization on their part."
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers: Pentagon Repeating the Clinton Two-Step Over DADT
    • Pentagon has no plans to end Don't Ask Don't Tell (americablog) -- Like Clinton before him, Obama must be thinking his political capital is too valuable to waste on gays, who will vote Democratic anyway, by and large, even though he, like Clinton, will have shafted them yet again.
  • The Biggest Theft in History:
    • Krugman: Recovery years away (americablog) "'the period of a depressed economy' could last until 2013 or 2014," even though technically, the recession which began in December 2007 could end this coming August or September.
  • Sagittarius and the Central Milky Way (apod)