Wednesday, August 12, 2009

  • Ultimately Qui Bono - Who Benefits - the consistently ignored question. These are the paymasters of the whole charade. The Republicon shouting nutjobs, their corporate organizers, corporate-media and congressional propaganda shills are only the pawns in the big-money game. Qui Bono? These are the people pushing this country into utter fascism while Democrat leadership appear as if they haven't a clue about what is really going on - and of course, would NEVER call it what it is, name names, and go up against them head-on.
    • When Did Americans Turn into a Bunch of Raving Lunatics? (esquire part 1)
    • What Really Happens When You Demand the President Produce His Birth Certificate? (esquire part 2)
  • "Christian" Lunacy Over the Top:
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Irregular Galaxy NGC 55 (apod)