Thursday, August 13, 2009

  • A-H1N1 - Genetically Engineered or Naturally Occurring, It Can Still Kill You Dead:
    • The big picture: 9 reasons to RE-worry about the (swine) H1N1 flu - and 7 things to do about it (sfgate) -- Interesting article, but I take issue with one of her data points (that 1 tsp of cod liver provides 1000 IU of vitamin D - my cod liver oil bottle says 1 tsp provides 400 IU. That's quite a difference that needs to be resolved in order to be sure you're getting enough vitamin D. At any rate, there are also over-the-counter vitamin D tablets that provide 1000 IU. Ask your doctor. As she says in the article, it takes time to build up the body's vitamin D level, so time may be of the essence. Also, I can't say I agree with her about discarding the mask, since it could prevent you from inhaling the tiny droplets someone nearby coughs or sneezes in your direction. (Those droplets can travel much further in very cold air).
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Block Island Meteorite on Mars (apod)