Friday, September 11, 2009

  • MIC - False Flag Operators - The 9/11 Inside Job to Kick Start Their VERY PROFITABLE Neocon Pax Americana:
    • Charlie Sheen Requests Twenty Minutes with the President about 9/11 (infowars) -- I don't think much of Alex Jones's chest beating, sensationalistic methods or his many assertions made on the flimsiest of evidence, but on the 9/11 attacks I believe the evidence is and always has been overwhelming that the government's official conspiracy theory is nothing but an intellectually bankrupt fabrication designed for consumption by a dumbed-down American public without the courage or ability to critically analyze the information actually available. The government has behaved throughout as if guilty, and in a courtroom such behavior often is enough to get a conviction even where other evidence is not conclusive. Lack of evidence is not the problem on this issue, however, but lack of courage to seek and demand justice is.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Stephan's Quintet (apod)