Saturday, September 12, 2009

  • Obama and Panetta Afraid of the CIA, and With Good Reason:
    • 27-Year CIA Vet McGovern says Obama May be Afraid of the CIA ... For Good Reason... (bradblog) "Alluding to the assassination of JFK, long-time high-level CIA analyst says Panetta and the President 'afraid of these guys because these guys have a whole lot to lose if justice takes its course'..." -- Can we say the same thing about a real investigation of the inside job on the World Trade Center 9/11? See also my 05-21-09 entry (The President's Own. . . ) and my 05-20-09 entry (Military-Industrial Profiteering. . .)
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Summer Night in Astronomy Town (apod)