Tuesday, February 10, 2009

  • Obama continues to try to manage his favorable image without offering substance. Where have I ever seen that before? It's only a matter of time before the little boy watching the parade cries out, "The emperor has no clothes."
  • Economic Shakedown:
    • Treasury Sec. Geithner blocks tougher conditions on Wall Street (americablog - nytimes) - When you select the same guys who caused the problem to "fix" it, this excrement is what you get. Why expect anything different? - Markets vote 'no confidence' and DJIA closes down 382 (4.62%).
    • Sony's New Stupid Box Thing Not Well Received (theonion) - A lot like the efforts so far to repair the GOP's damage to the U.S. economy.
    • Recession to have impact for up to 15 years (americablog - independent.co.uk)
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • The 180-degree reversal of Obama's State Secrets position (salon). Unprecedented transparency promise out the window! Obama uses State Secrets Protection Act, like Bush, to throw out entire court cases based on the protection of State Secrets, thus giving full protection to the Bush regime's illegal extraordinary renditions program. Did we elect another Republican in Democrat's clothing? No, this is what it looks like when the same ultra-wealthy elites pull the strings of both political partys. One Corporate Party with two wings, the Democratic on the "left" and the Republican on the hard right. How could we ever expect Obama's administration to prosecute Bush regime criminality when he aggressively takes positions to protect that regime. "Democrats have large majorities in both houses of Congress; they ought to use it to legislatively bar the power that the Obama DOJ is now attempting to vest in the new President by enacting the legislation they spent all of last year insisting they favored. Now that the Obama DOJ is seeking to acquire that power for its new President, the need for that law is more acute than ever."
      • 'State Secrets' Privilege Not Gone With Bush (antiwar) - Among other things, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' gag order on explosive illicit government activity she was aware of remains in place (googlesearch).
  • Orion's Belt (apod)