Sunday, February 8, 2009

  • Reason versus Self-Serving Demagogic Superstition:
    • Ads supporting non-believers going up on buses in several countries (washingtonpost) - It's good to know you're not alone in a world otherwise filled with fanciful insanity.
    • Council for Secular Humanism rips apart Baylor survey (dallasnews) - Why am I not surprised that Xtianity apologists would cook the books?
    • FLASHBACK to 12-31-08 and UPDATE (So Help Me . . .): Sam Harris eloquently articulates his case for not being a theist ( 1hr10min - YT playlist). Atheist comedian Pat Condell sounds off (youtube 5min - VG playlist - YT playlist).
    • Virtue Queen Ted Haggard's "Party Formula" and More (signorile) - More of Signorile's interview with Grant Haas (Part 3)
  • Military-Industrial Complex - The Neocons Are Not Going to Like This:
  • Stiffing the Stimulus:
    • Senate centrists’ plan = 600,000 fewer jobs (thinkprogress - nytimes) -- So, is this a deliberately engineered depression in order to reduce global warming gases and buy some time? When Democrats are deliberately destroying recovery chances, one has to wonder.
    • Maddow on GOP obstruction of the stimulus bill (washingtonmonthly)
    • Limbaugh, Hannity, and the GOP: an iron triangle of stimulus misinformation (mediamatters)
    • GOP Alternative to Obama's Stimulus Consists Only of More Tax Cuts (washingtonmonthly) - What else could you expect when you realize that the GOP speaks for and is paid by the ultra-wealthy? Adjust the target, folks, and get it right -- it's the ultra-wealthy who are the enemy here, as has been the case from time immemorial. The French certainly knew how to take care of it years ago. They hide behind their point men and women in the halls of power and pull the strings that influence us all. They try to remain nameless and faceless. It is time to start giving them names and faces. It is indeed a class war that has been going on for scores of years in this country. Call it what it really is -- class warfare. Whenever Democrats propose legislation that would limit upper-class privilege in any way, the ultra-wealthy controlled networks scream "Class Warfare!". It's true. It is class warfare, except the left is never supposed to fire any volleys back. Only the conservatives have that privilege. Give us more tax cuts = give us the U.S. Treasury. That's surely the fair way.
    • Most Senators Are Economic Morons (firedoglake)
  • Global Warming - Species Destruction:
    • Citizen Scientists' Notes Pinpoint Effects of Climate Change (commondreams) - "Perhaps the classic example of the impact of climate change on an ecological community is oak trees in the Netherlands, which are leafing out earlier. The winter moth caterpillars that feed on the leaves are coming out earlier. The pied flycatchers that eat winter moth caterpillars remain on the old schedule, however, as they migrate from central Africa to the Netherlands. In some areas, the populations of pied flycatchers have dropped 90 percent."
  • When Silence Can Be Catastrophic:
    • Bird flu cover-up fear in China ( - "With each day that passes, more dead birds, ducks and chickens have washed up on the beaches of Hong Kong, suggesting that H5N1- infected birds may have been dumped into China’s polluted Pearl River and carried by the tide to Hong Kong waters." See also my 02-03-09 entry (When Silence Can . . .)
    • 'Flu And You' Series (dailykos)
  • Inside the Eagle Nebula (apod)