Saturday, February 7, 2009

  • Our Liberal Media:
    • Cable networks can say anything they want -- and do. GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Dem Lawmakers By Almost 2 To 1 In Cable News Stimulus Debate Again (thinkprogress - theplumline)
  • Look out! The GOP Supreme Court Is Going Back to Work:
    • Taser Policies May Get Supreme Court Review (commondreams) - "Stun guns are perceived as a non-lethal alternative for officers, yet a 2009 study by two cardiologists at the University of California at San Francisco found the number of in-custody deaths increased six-fold after a number of police departments began using stun guns. Researchers sent out surveys to police departments across California asking the rates of in-custody sudden deaths in the absence of lethal force." Call it what it is -- murder.
  • Where Are We? Job Losses Chart for 3 Most Recent Recessions (washingtonmonthly)
  • Boundless GOP Crooks & Hypocrites:
  • Rewarding Criminal Incompetence:
    • KBR is awarded a new $35 million electrical contract after recklessly killing 18 military members by shoddy electrical work (msnbc) - Pentagon regards Haliburton and KBR as too big and uniquely qualified in their areas of expertise to kick them off the Dept. of War's contractors list. So the money just keeps pouring out from US taxpayers to them -- and their overcharges and shoddy work go on without interruption, hardly ever seriously touched by government oversight. Reminds me of a giant version of Tony Soprano's construction projects.
  • Obama's Bunch:
    • Sec. of Treasury Geithner Tax Troubles Far More Egregious Than Daschle's (democracynow)
    • Obama appoints gay man to faith-based initiatives office (thinkprogress) - Mere window dressing. The very existence of this office leans threateningly against the wall of separation of church and state. Obama should have eliminated the office completely, not pander to religious voters by expanding it. His action only makes it easier for a future president to use it to blast a hole right through that wall of separation. Democratic leaders spoke 4 years ago about the need to reach out more to evangenitals and diminish the Democratic Party's outspoken position on women's reproductive rights. Looks more and more like they're getting us there.
    • More Bipartisanship, Less Stimulus, by John Nichols (thenation)
    • The Nelson-Collins War On Green Jobs (wonkroom)
  • Comet Lulin Tails (apod)