Wednesday, February 4, 2009

  • Michael Phelps Returns To His Tank At Sea World (theonion)
  • Restore the Rule of Law - Accountability:
  • Who's in Charge?
    • Generals' Revolt Threatens Obama Presidency (buzzflash) - "There is only one answer to this challenge to presidential authority: President Obama must sack both Petraeus and Odierno, and any other general who tries -- openly or behind the scenes -- to move politically against his military strategy and orders." See also my 01-31-09 entry (U.S. Coup? Again?)
    • Pentagon brass chafes at Obama's Iraq pullout plan (
  • How It Works:
    • Bob Dole's perfect description of how Washington works, by Glenn Greenwald (salon)
  • Economic Shakedown:
  • Watching the Watchdogs:
    • We can't check everything, admits atomic safety chief after 14-year nuke power plant leak (
    • How to steal a US passport (thanks to our own government) (americablog with video)
    • Inside 'nasty' nut processor (chicagotribune) - A clear case of Reaganomics' deregulation and self-regulation policies brought to its natural feverish culmination. Republican point men and women for the elite conservative oligarchy have trashed this country beyond recognition. They never deserve elected office again--at any level- imho.
    • Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos tears into SEC: Where were you 9 years ago?! (nydailynews)
  • Obama's Bunch:
    • Barack Obama’s strange new political bedfellows, Wayne Madsen (onlinejournal)
    • Small Change -- Obama's Betrayal (buzzflash)
    • Radical Free Trader Judd Gregg to Head Government's Trade Enforcement Apparatus, by David Sirota (openleft) "In a very real sense, the appointment of Gregg is the equivalent of the Bush administration hiring people to government offices they had previously worked to destroy."
  • Liberal Media:
    • Big surprise. The corporate media isn't reporting the facts about the Employee Free Choice Act, which is vehemently opposed by corporate America (americablog)
    • What I Learned From NPR This Morning (digbysblog) "Clearly, the top of the" Democratic "party has learned zip in the past 8 to 10 years or so. I think it's time to work seriously to replace them. This isn't a progressive vs. centrist issue, this is a competence issue."
  • A Dangerous Summer on HD 80606b (apod)
    • Astronomers get a sizzling weather report from a distant planet (