Friday, February 6, 2009

  • Supreme Court:
    • Golly Gee! I can't wait till Obama appoints Ruth Bader Ginsburg's replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court. (google/ap) - With Obama's obsession about broad inclusion, we may see him select a conservative nominee so he can pander some more to the far right. Wouldn't that be something?
  • Another campaign promise down the tubes:
    • Obama apparently thinks it's ok to discriminate against job seekers in faith based tax-paid programs. (latimes)
  • Obama’s Openness v. CIA Secrecy - JFK Files Show Hurdles to Obama's Transparency Goals (washingtonindependent)
  • Unveiling the Matrix - Getting to Know Your Government:
    • Beyond Treason ( Pt. 1 - livevideo Pt. 2) - For decades the U.S. Department of Defense, in cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry, has been experimenting on U.S. troops.
    • Arsenal of Hypocrisy ( - Militarization of space, part of the Neocon wet dream of U.S. world domination from space. Obama says he opposes "weaponizing space" (satellitetoday).
  • Election Theft:
    • The Bushevik Who Nailed the "Commies" at the DoJ, by Mark Crispin Miller (huffingtonpost)
    • Legacy of a Swindle - Part I: How Ohio Lawsuits Sought to Bring Crimes to Light (tpmcafe)
  • Should Economic Stimulus Bill Include Billions for Nuclear Power? (democracynow)
  • Space Station in the Moon (apod)