Sunday, February 1, 2009

  • Civil Rights-Equality for All:
    • First Openly Gay Racehorse To Compete Sunday (theonion)
  • Economic Shakedown:
    • 1st Day, 1st Week, 1st Month (stockcharts DJ - S&P) - Old chestnut rule suggests a down year in 2009 for the stock markets.
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • UPDATE 02-02-09 to the erroneous report below, initiated by the LA Times: Obama Did NOT Preserve Bush-Style Detention/Torture Extraordinary Renditions (bradblog), but a pre-Dubya "renditions program". "The earlier renditions program regularly involved snatching and removing targets for purposes of bringing them to justice by delivering them to a criminal justice system. It did not involve the operation of long-term detention facilities and it did not involve torture."
      • Obama Preserves Renditions as Counter-Terrorism Tool (truthout) (Personal comments deleted)
    • In Memoriam:
      • Arizona Cardinal Corporal Pat Tillman, critic of George Bush's illegal war, probably murdered by his own comrades in 2004, then the truth covered up by Bush's loyal military brass (bradblog - democracynow - emptywheel)
    • 6 out of 10 of your US tax dollars go to the super-inflated defense budget--and that's not all of what they get: See also my 01-31-09 entry (Imperial U.S. Military . . . . )
      • Obama Proposes Defense Cut To Levels Still Above 2007: Wingnuts throw a fit (crooksandliars) - Examine this pie chart carefully to understand why "we the people" don't have more of the excellent programs we should have (crooksandliars).
    • Stealing Palestinian land not enough for Israel's ambitions
      • Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’ (Madsen onlinejournal)
      • Israel Asserting Middle East Supremacy: From Gaza to Tehran (
  • Auroral Corona Over Norway (apod)