Thursday, February 12, 2009

  • Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882) - Celebrating Enlightened Reason in an Age of Willful Ignorance:
    • Richard Dawkins: The Genius of Charles Darwin
    • Darwin's a God (firedoglake) - Links
    • Celebrating Darwin's Birth ( - Links
    • On Darwin’s Birthday, Only 4 in 10 Believe in Evolution (gallup) - Religious fantasizers and the conservative corporate media have done such a great job of dumbing down this nation. So much easier that way to manipulate an ignorant populace when it really counts. For the religious, personal loyalty and contributions to maintain their organizations -- and political loyalty at election time. For the media, important times such as camouflaged coups d'etat -- like the JFK murder, which enabled our aggressive and illegal push into SE Asia, the 2000 GOP election theft, which enabled 9/11, which in its own turn enabled our Neocon aggressive and illegal push into the Middle East, and the 2004 GOP election theft, which culminated in the current economic 9/11, which has illegally transfered untold hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to the wealthy banks and their shareholders -- as gifts to them from the rest of us, plain and simple.
  • Personal Privacy Gone, Gone Away:
    • Great discussion about the privacy leaks in our digital lives (democracynow)
  • Global Warming:
    • Front Group For Polluter Billionaires Wastes $140K On Goofy Global Warming Denial Ads (wonkroom)
  • Zodiacal Light Vs. Milky Way (apod)