Tuesday, February 24, 2009

  • President Obama's February 24th Address to Congress and the Nation (c-span)
  • Class Warfare By Limiting Healthcare Choices Only to Corporate Rapists:
    • Howard Dean: Real Health Reform ‘Rises And Falls On Whether The Public Is Allowed To Choose Medicare’ (wonkroom) -- And won't the Republicons' heads explode if Medicare becomes an option? Socialism! Socialism! -- Republicons are always trying to conflate democratic socialism (that is, government programs for the benefit of all of the people) with fascist regimes of 20th century Europe. The reason is very simple: The GOP is the point organization for the super wealthy elites who are robbing this country blind. They hate any government spending that benefits the population as a whole because it means less money from programs that benefit themselves, such as armaments for war. They are now and have been constantly engaged in very real class warfare against the rest of us since at least the mid-1800's. They even tried to launch a coup d'etat against FDR in 1933, just as they are now behind the massive corporate media propaganda campaign against everything good that Obama tries to do for the country as a whole.
      • Read Fascists, Then and Now, Stalk the FDR Legacy (tpmcafe) for a taste of what socially conscientious leaders like FDR and Obama face as they try to improve the lives of 'we the people'.
    • Is “Social Security” Reform The Price For Health Care? (firedoglake) "Jane talks to Shuster about Social Security, and the possibility that it may be offered up to Republicans as the price for Obama's health care plan."
      • Social Security “Reform”: Are They in It for the Money? (firedoglake) "Let's cut to the chase here. Social Security doesn't need a fix to make it keep helping seniors, even according to the very conservative estimates of the Social Security trustees . . . ."
  • Our "Liberal Media":
    • Study: Network news coverage favored Republicans from 1992-2004 (thinkprogress)
    • NY Times goes out of its way to print what it knew was a GOP misrepresentation (theplumline)
    • Rupert Murdoch apologizes for controversial NY Post cartoon (cnn) -- Neocon multibillionaire Murdoch should be held criminally liable for any further incendiary commentary or graphics in any of his far-flung media empire outlets (including Faux News) that could be construed to incite some loony to try to harm or assassinate President Obama or any of his family.
  • Barack's Gang:
  • Homophobic Bigotry Run Amok:
    • Utah Senate basically shuts down over anti-gay remark (americablog) "The reason the Utah Senate is falling apart at the seams over one anti-gay comment is become [sic, should be 'because'] Utah, thanks to the Mormons, has now become a hate state. If Utah wants to clear its good name, then it needs to pass comprehensive legislation granting equal civil rights to its gay and lesbian citizens. The bigoted Mormons claim that they only oppose actual marriage for gays, but don't oppose granting gays civil rights such as the right to have civil unions. Great. Then do it. Pass a statewide law, with massive support from the Mormons, granting gays in that state civil unions. Then we'll talk about repairing Utah's reputation that the Mormons obliterated."
    • When Asked Whether He Would ‘Consider’ Gay Civil Unions, New RNC Chairman Michael Steele Replies, ‘What Are You, Crazy?’ (thinkprogress)
  • Barnard's Loop around the Horsehead Nebula (apod)