Thursday, February 26, 2009

  • Unveiling the Matrix - Getting to Know Your Government:
    • Bolivia gives details of CIA activity ( -- Will Obama try to heal our damaged relationship with our southern neighbors? Perhaps, if he stops listening to his neocon advisers, but so far, the prospects appear somewhat limited. (google search CIA SA - Obama SA)
  • The Fruitcake GOP Opposition:
    • Max Blumenthal: Will Revelations About Bobby Jindal's Weird Secret Past Destroy His Political Career? (alternet) "Jindal boasted of participating in an exorcism that purged the spirit of Satan from a college girlfriend? So far, Jindal's tale of 'beating a demon' remains behind the subscription wall of New Oxford Review, an obscure Catholic magazine; only a few major blogs have seized on the story." -- Being a Rhodes Scholar doesn't necessarily mean your feet are firmly planted in reality -- or even sanity. It merely means you are very smart. Too bad being smart and being reality-based aren't necessarily interlocked. Sounds like he and fellow fruitcake Sarah Palin would make quite a team -- to govern a distant deserted island far, far away.
    • Republican Colorado state senator Schultheis says HIV testing for pregnant women rewards ‘sexual promiscuity’ and therefore won't support the bill (thinkprogress)
    • During deliberations regarding overdue protections to state workers, Republican Colorado state senator Renfroe compares being gay to committing murder (thinkprogress). -- Will someone please tell me how this country ever became so completely ignorant as to elect idiots such as these bigots to public office. It makes me wonder if next time I look out the window, I'll see people leaping from branch to branch and swinging in the trees by their tails.
  • Our "Liberal Media":
    • Greenwald: The "Americans want bipartisanship" myth (salon) "By a 17 point-margin, Americans think it's more important that Obama 'stick to his policies' than try to dilute them in order to attract Republican support in pursuit of 'bipartisanship.'"
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Norman Solomon: Obama Freeing Up Resources... for More War (commondreams) "Get the message? In his first speech to Congress, the new president threw down a 90-month-old gauntlet, reaffirming the notion that committing to war halfway around the world -- in Afghanistan and now in Pakistan too -- will make Americans safer. With drumrolls like that, the mission could outlive all of us. And so, a colossal and fateful blunder, made by a very smart leader, arguably our best and brightest, is careening forward with the help of silence that defers all too readily to power. This is how the war in Vietnam escalated, while individuals and groups muted their voices. Many people will pay with their lives."
    • Is Closing Guantanamo Just a Bait and Switch? (firedoglake) "'the Bagram bait and switch,' where the administration was trumpeting the closure of a camp [Gitmo] housing 242 prisoners, while scaling up the Bagram base to house 1,100 more. . . . There are still perhaps as many as 18,000 people in legal black holes."
      • Very Bad News: Afghanistan's Bagram Air Base Will Be Obama's Guantanamo (alternet)
    • Lendman on Israeli Atrocities and Apartheid: Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions, and Prosecutions (sjlendman)
  • Conjunction of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars (apod)