Friday, February 27, 2009

  • Tiresome RW Religious Wackos - What Would We Ever Do Without Them?
    • The same old Religious Right, with a few new tricks: Part 1 (onlinejournal)
    • Obama Set to Undo ‘Conscience’ Rule for Health Workers (nytimes)
    • Despicable James Dobson Resigns from Focus on the Family (washingtonmonthly) -- What a guy! "Few modern figures on the political scene hate quite as many people, with quite as much intensity, as James Dobson. Gays, minority faiths, the First Amendment, Girl Scouts, SpongeBob Squarepants ... if you don't think, act, or believe as Dobson does, you're an enemy. (One of my personal favorites is when Dobson insisted that gay marriage 'will destroy the Earth.' He wasn't kidding.) . . . his contributions to the discourse and political world have been nothing short of toxic. He's been a force for division and animosity, cloaked in vaguely theocratic terms."
    • Word from the Porn Belt: Do as I Say, Not as I Do (firedoglake) "However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds." -- It turns out that none other than Orrin Hatch's Mormon-dominated great bigoted state of Utah is the nation's leading consumer of broadband pornography.
  • Barack's Gang - Bush-Lite:
    • Obama administration backs telecom immunity (sfgate)
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Why the Dark Secrets of the First Gulf War Are Still Haunting Us (alternet) -- George H.W. Bush used the old 'bait and switch' on Sadaam Hussein in 1990. In response to Sadaam's question about a U.S. response to Iraq's invading Kuwait over it's encroachment on Iraq's oil, Bush's ambassador to Iraq told Sadaam the U.S. took no interest in Arab-Arab conflicts -- but when Sadaam actually invaded Kuwait, Bush responded immediately with half a million troops The Bush Crime Family knows but one way: everything for the Bushes, by whatever means necessary.
    • Mrs. Multibillionaire War Profiteer Richard Blum, aka Sen. Dianne Feinstein, favors incisive investigation into Bush crimes to see what we did wrong and how we could commit them better next time. (emptywheel) "The purpose here is to do fact-finding in order to learn lessons from the programs and see if there are recommendations to be made for detention and interrogations in the future," -- Who'da guessed it of this big-business queen whose principal comment after their 'nice talk' before his Senate confirmation hearings was that now Justice John Roberts was a 'nice man.'
  • Global Broiling:
    • Droughts 'may lay waste' to parts of US (guardian/uk) -- Inhofe is such a dangerous and complete fool -- bought and completely paid for by the CO2 polluters who he is in the Senate to serve.
    • Americans destroying the lungs of the planet for the feel of squeezably soft toilet paper (guardian/uk) "Barely a third of the paper products sold in America are from recycled sources — most of it comes from virgin forests."
  • Comet Lulin and Saturn near Opposition (apod)