Monday, March 9, 2009

  • How Long Do Religious Liars, Fear-Mongers, Gold-Diggers, Demagogues, Bigots and Hypocrites Think They Can Maintain the Respect of Thinking People?
    • Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds (usatoday) "The percentage. of people who call themselves in some way Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation. The faithful have scattered out of their traditional bases: The Bible Belt is less Baptist. The Rust Belt is less Catholic. And everywhere, more people are exploring spiritual frontiers — or falling off the faith map completely." Amazing how long it takes brainwashed victims to see organized religions' true colors and finally brush them aside.
  • The All-Seeing NSA Eye:
    • U.S. Cybersecurity Director Resigns, Blames NSA (informationweek) "The government's director of cybersecurity resigned Thursday, warning that the National Security Agency's control of national cybersecurity efforts poses a potential threat to U.S. democratic processes."
  • Global Broiling:
    • Chris Hedges: We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction (commondreams/truthdig) By 2050 it is believed that we will have a 50% increase in world population. "All efforts to stanch the effects of climate change are not going to work if we do not practice vigorous population control. . . . Population growth is often overlooked, or at best considered a secondary issue, by many environmentalists, but it is as fundamental to our survival as reducing the emissions that are melting the polar ice caps."
    • Carbon Cuts 'Only Give 50/50 Chance of Saving Planet' (theindependent/uk) "As states negotiate Kyoto's successor, simulations show catastrophe just years away" -- Afraid to tell the truth that the Titanic is steaming full-speed directly into the center of the mountainous iceberg.
    • Young People Beginning to Realize It's Theirs And Their Children's Lives That Are at Stake (guardian/uk) -- Will they raise enough hell to get some changes made?
  • Another Gem From Our 'Liberal Media':
    • MSNBC: 'Drop on Wall Street All Obama's Fault' (bradblog - stockcharts) -- The DJIA had already been dropping since the October 2007 because of the popping of the conservative-driven real estate bubble. The smartest economist, Nouriel Roubini, declared that if everything was done exactly correctly, we might be able to have a U-shaped drop and recovery; however if not done precisely correctly, then probably an L-shaped drop and sideways move that could last for years. The Republicons took the strategic position of doing everything possible to impede Democratic attempts to repair the problems created by greedy and irresponsible conservatives. The Republicon goal is only to do everything possible to try to make the Democrats look bad. Destroying the economy doesn't matter to them in their lust to regain power. This current drop is just the natural continuation of the crash created by the Republicons' unregulated, laissez faire capital feeding frenzy and their continuing obstruction to fixing the problem. Because all the correct steps are not being expediently and precisely taken, the market will continue to drop until the job market finally stabilizes, and the RW-owned corporate media will continue to scream and cry -- and lie about Obama and Democrats every point of the way down. -- On the other hand, for a taste of Bush-Obama election reality, take a look at this DJIA long-term monthly chart that shows that when Bush came to power in 2000, the DJIA actually peaked in the few days right after Bush's illegal appointment by the five GOP members of the Supreme Court, then fell for three solid years as investors realized what the fiscally irresponsible lying interloper was actually like. It started climbing again only when Bush illegally invaded Iraq in March 2003 and commenced major manipulation to push up market prices till October 2007. Inflating the housing bubble was only one form of that manipulation. How does that taste to you?
  • A Flash of Sanity:
    • Obama instructs his administration not to rely on Bush’s signing statements (thinkprogress - nytimes)
  • Kepler's Streak (apod)