Wednesday, March 11, 2009

  • Global Broiling:
    • We are in the driest first two months of any year in over 100 years (usatoday) -- What the article makes no reference to is the fact that over the next 90 years aridity will creep over most of the United States, from the SW to the Atlantic. Say goodbye to amber waves of grain and corn as high as a elephant's eye and do something useful, like practicing birth control -- without exception.
  • Fighting Back:
    • Fred Phelps Lunatics Actually Quit a Univ of Chicago Protest Because a Few Frat Boys Fight Back (youtube)
  • Phony 'War on Terror':
    • The Terrorists You’re Not Told About (firedoglake) "Ah, shucks, I feel so gol-darned proud of what our good old US of A is doin' 24/7 to protect us God-fearin' Christians from all them dark skinned heathern that want to kill us for our freedoms."
  • More on The Bush Dictatorship:
    • Cheney's CIA Assassination Squads (youtube - emptywheel) -- Why does this seem like very stale non-news?
    • Former Bush Spokesman and Professional Liar Ari Fleischer to Chris Matthews: "How Dare You Say 9/11 Happened On Our Watch" (youtube) -- These leftover Bush gang members are certifiably delusional in their arrogance and self-righteousness and are a danger to the public at large.
  • Phony 'War on Drugs':
    • Drug War Doublespeak (fpif) "Drug-war doublespeak pervades and defines the U.S.-Mexico relationship today. The discourse aims not to win the war on drugs but to assure funding and public support for the military model of combating illegal drug trafficking, despite the losses and overwhelming evidence that current strategies are not working."
  • Prison-Industrial Complex:
    • GEO Group, Inc.: Despite a Crashing Economy, Private Prison Firm Turns a Handsome Profit (corpwatch) "In addition to 'false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements to senior special agents' . . . Two months before the fraud charges, a study by the Seattle University School of Law and the nonprofit group OneAmerica reported that conditions at the Tacoma facility violated both international and domestic laws that grant detained immigrants the right to food, due process and humane treatment."
  • It's not who votes that matters, but who counts the votes:
    • I remain astonished that while watching vital exposés on Free Speech TV that the government might have an interest in controlling, the video feed is so often lost from the DISH Network satellite. I have seen it happen so often that just as particular incriminating statements are about to be made, the satellite feed is suddenly lost. It happened again this morning while watching FSTV's airing of 'Stealing America: Vote By Vote.' The video is such an important work that pulls together many details to present a coherent picture of the Republican Party as the treasonous election-stealing organization it really is -- and how they do it. I searched for a copy for you to watch. Here is one I found at Vimeo. It is 90 minutes long and worth every minute of it. Yet so much still is not said in the one film that can fill in more of the picture, such as Dan Rather's documentary exposé (The Trouble With Touch Screens) of the part played by Sequoia in shipping punch ballots in 2000 to Florida that they knew were produced on inferior paper that would be sure to cause all sorts of chad problems, thus setting the stage for the hanging chad RW corporate media fluff and the "necessity" of the election-stealing legislation known as HAVA: the Help America Vote Act, pushed through Congress by Republican felon Bob Ney. Watch Stealing America: Vote By Vote (Vimeo), Dan Rather's HBO Special - Hacking Democracy (, and The Trouble With Touch Screens (veoh, youtube) for a sobering look at the bigger picture of how the elections were stolen. -- Then add to this the fact that Democrat politicians seemed complicit in allowing it. Where does that leave us as a nation? It's as if from 2000 forward Democrats have been complicit with the powers that be who installed dictator George W. Bush as interloper president to deconstruct this nation. Was it all to prepare us for something that is still going to befall us? Democrats remain dumb as rocks about bringing genuine election reform, and one would think they must still be complicit. What part does Barack Obama play in this drama? Certainly, whatever it is, it is temporary, as the lying, constantly accusing Republican-controlled corporate media and the GOP election-stealing machinery remain intact and ready to bring another Republican to the White House in 2012.
    • Yet Another Republican Installed Into Office Without Proof of Having Won (bradblog) "Yet another touch-screen voting machine broke down, in yet another 'hotly contested' election, in yet another Democratic-leaning district yesterday. Due to the failure, the actual results are completely unknown, unreliable, and unverifiable, and yet, one candidate (the Republican, as coincidence would have it) has been named the 'winner' by 89-votes out of 12,000 cast in the Fairfax County, VA Board of Supervisors special election."
  • Lunar X (apod)