Thursday, March 12, 2009

  • Restore the Rule of Law:
    • International Criminal Court Toothless And Color-Blind? (onlinejournal) -- Can see only Africans. "It should either close its doors or open them to all and everyone if it wants to be credible rather than a sick joke."
  • Military-Industrial Complex - Always Above the Law:
    • Unveiling the Matrix: Madsen on the CIA: The Mini-City the CIA Built (onlinejournal) -- "WMR previously reported on the use of one of these buildings -- 1911 North Fort Myer Drive -- for a number of CIA front companies operated by CIA officers Edwin Wilson, Ted Shackley, Thomas Clines, and Rafael Quintero to smuggle weapons abroad covertly, in addition to other operations."
  • Prison-Industrial Complex:
    • The American criminal injustice system - The Case of Ronald Cotton (onlinejournal) -- "On NPR Thompson said that eyewitness testimony is incorrect 70 percent of the time. I am familiar with psychological studies that conclude that eyewitness accounts are wrong half of the time. That is enough to discredit eyewitness testimony as evidence, yet, police and juries always bank on it."
      • Rashomon Effect (wiki) - Rashomon (film) (wiki) -- Your local library may have this black and white subtitled film in its collection.
  • Barack's Bush-Lite Gang:
    • Obama Justice Department Urges Dismissal of Yet Another Torture Case (Rasul v. Rumsfeld) (washingtonindependent)
  • The Great Economic Shakedown - Ripping Off College Students:
    • Reduce the Rate: Rev. Jesse Jackson Joins Movement Against Crippling Rates on Student Loans (democracynow) "The average student now leaves college with $20,000 in debt." College education borrowers lack the ordinary protections that are customary for consumer loans. Sallie Mae (SLM) actually makes more money from student loan defaults than loans that are paid on time.
  • Hypocrite Watch:
    • The royal wedding is off (americablog) "Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have broken off their engagement. I write this not for the gossip element (though it's tempting), but rather to point out, yet again, how crassly political the Republicans are. Tell me this wasn't a shotgun wedding to help McCain and Palin get elected? These are young people's lives, and a baby, we're dealing with. But none of that mattered to the McCain campaign. Making political fodder of marriage and babies is just another day at the office for Republicans."
  • Global Broiling:
    • UN Warns of Widespread Water Shortages (globeandmail/ca) "Constantly rising demand from increasing populations for a finite resource raises risk of political upheaval and economic stagnation over next 20 years" -- Such a good argument for a one-half-child-per-person policy per lifetime -- worldwide.
    • Acidic seas fuel extinction fears (bbc) "Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities are acidifying the oceans and threaten a mass extinction of sea life, a top ocean scientist warns."
  • Thor's Helmet (NGC 2359) and Planetary Nebula (apod)