Monday, May 4, 2009

  • 9/11 Official Story a Complete Hoax:
    • Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say (javno - Danish News Video - globalexchange) -- Airplanes did not bring down the WTC towers. The Bush-controlled 9/11 Whitewash Commission lied. The Bush-controlled NIST lied. Neocon Rupert Murdoch's Popular Mechanics magazine lied. -- When could explosives have been placed in the WTC Towers? The elevators were being worked on all year. Explosive charges could have been placed on the central core columns under cover of ongoing elevator work. The particles found in the dust consisted of both unexploded nanoparticles of thermite and also nanospheres of iron, a byproduct of such explosions. -- Larry Silverstein admitted long ago (youtube) that WTC 7 was "pulled," a common term in controlled demolition work for bringing a building down. In order for the building to be "pulled" on 9/11 it would have had be be wired and charges set days to weeks earlier to be able to drop the 47-story building neatly into its own footprint at freefall speed. The collapse of WTC7 is the smoking gun of 9/11 that is extremely rarely shown to Americans on our highly controlled commercial television news and was not even mentioned in the 9/11 Whitewash Commission report. BBC was even caught announcing the prior collapse of WTC7 several minutes before it was actually brought down (dailymotion - notice WTC7 still standing next to the female reporter Jane Stanley's left ear), proving they were using a propagandizing script provided to them, but something went wrong and it was aired too early.
  • Obamamania:
    • Chris Hedges: Buying Brand Obama (truthdig)
  • Christian Whackos Stirring Up Trouble in Afghanistan:
    • Jeremy Scahill: US Soldiers in Afghanistan Told to "hunt people for Jesus... so we get them into the kingdom" (rebelreports)
  • Flu Threats - Swine Flu Man-Made? - Maybe Mild Now - Maybe Virulent Next Time Around, As in 1918 -- And There's Still the H5N1 (Avian) Flu Mutating Out There -- Enough to Make a Feller a Little Nervous:
    • Pandemic-Flu-Guide (
    • Swine Flu Expands to `Virtually All' U.S. as Signs of Mexico Epidemic Wane (bloomberg)
    • Lendman: Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and Swine Flu (sjlendman)
  • Rembrandt Impact Basin on Mercury (apod)