Thursday, May 7, 2009

  • Great News For and About Young Americans!
    • Young Americans Losing Their Religion (abcnews) "New Research Finds Number Who Claim No Church Has Risen Sharply" -- Since the brainwashing of our young with tales of a god who will torture anyone forever who disavows him or disobeys his rules, and the imposition of a false and unnecessary sense of guilt in the young -- what amounts to child abuse in every true sense of the word -- perhaps this mass exodus of the young from the Matrix of organized religion means we have a chance of having a mentally healthier population as they move on into adulthood. You don't have to go to church to be an ethical person. All you need is to want to be an ethical person and a little education into what that means. By the way, recently released information shows that non-church-goers tended to disapprove of torture, while church goers, you guessed it, approve of it. -- Could it be that the Bush years and the war-loving, gay-bashing, science-hating Religious Wrong Bush sycophants have actually done some good for society by making our young people see more clearly the hypocrisy and retardation of organized religion?
    • Obama Eliminates Abstinence-Only Funding In Budget (huffingtonopost) -- Now I'd like to see a lot of lawsuits by victims of Bush's abstinence-only sex education programs.
  • Restore the Rule of Law for Political and White Collar Criminals!
    • Jeremy Scahill: A Response to Those Who Say Don't Prosecute Bush's Torture Lawyers (rebelreports)
  • The Power Behind the Many Thrones:
    • Annual Elite Conclave, 58th Bilderberg Meeting to be held in Greece, May 14-17 (canadafreepress - google search - google news) -- Ten to one, Obama drops out of sight long enough to pop in on them sometime during their meeting, but you can be sure we won't hear CNN reporting on his attendance. Adding a little context, both Obama and Hillary slipped away from the clicking cameras while the Bilderbergers were meeting in June 2008 in Northern Virginia. And I remember Dumbya once scheduled a trip to Italy where and when the Bilderbergers' were meeting. They'll smile and remain silent because we little people have no right to know what they are planning for us.
  • Barack McSame Obama - Is There No Stopping Washington's Criminality?
    • Confusion at the Canyon: Administration Engaging in the Same Potentially Illegal Action as Bush (newswire.ascribe) "The U.S. Department of the Interior last week authorized mining for uranium on federal land near Grand Canyon National Park in an apparent violation of a Congressional resolution passed last June that declared more than 1 million acres around the Park off-limits to new mining activity."
  • A Halo for NGC 6164 (apod)