Friday, May 8, 2009

  • Yet One More Obama Campaign Pledge Abandoned - By now, everyone should realize that to believe political candidates is utter foolishness. Their job as candidates is to lie smoothly enough to capture your vote, plain and simple. And Barack Obama is Mr. Smoothie, himself.
    • Obama Budget Bans Federal Funding For Needle Exchange, Breaking Campaign Pledge (huffingtonpost) -- And assuring more deaths from the spread of HIV/AIDS. Obama is utterly terrified that the right wing whacko news media will have something juicy to complain about him that they don't have to actually make up.
    • White House Silence Paved Way for ‘Cramdown’ Crash (washingtonindependent)
    • From the Onion: Nation Ready To Be Lied To About Economy Again (theonion)
  • Galaxies of the Perseus Cluster (apod)