Tuesday, July 28, 2009

  • And thou shalt have dominion . . . .
    • Human activity is driving Earth's 'sixth great extinction event' (guardian/uk) "Population growth, pollution and invasive species are having a disastrous effect on species in the southern hemisphere, a major review by conservationists warns"
  • Swine Flu Vaccinations to a Location Near You:
    • Madsen: Children to be used to test swine flu vaccine? (rt) -- Drug companies to use 12,000 children, some as young as 3, as their guinea pigs. Big Pharma stands to benefit, as usual. Guinea pig children bear all the risk. Vaccine manufacurers, as usual, are immune from lawsuit for any damage their drugs cause recipients.
  • Surviving the Biggest Theft of All Time:
    • Ten Things You Need to Know to Live on the Streets (thenation)
    • Road Kill: It's Fresh, It's Organic, It's Free (alternet)
    • And for the Investor Class: Surviving the 'End of Civilization' (marketwatch)
  • Global Broiling:
    • World will warm faster than predicted in next five years, study warns (guardian/uk) "New estimate based on the forthcoming upturn in solar activity and El NiƱo southern oscillation cycles is expected to silence global warming sceptics" -- Silence the sceptics? No, I think not. Exxon, leading Big Oil, the coal and electric utilities companies, and their bought-off Republicon mouthpieces--like Inhofe--will just come up with still more phony propaganda to try to explain away the rise in temperature, as they have been doing regarding global warming during the entire disastrous Bush years. when we perhaps still had a small chance to do something dramatic to slow it down or turn its course. The Titanic has not even begun to change course yet and we can already smell the iceberg.
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • A Floral Aurora Corona (apod)