Wednesday, July 29, 2009

  • Caretakers of the Public Welfare - Or, Where is Gray Davis When We Need Him?
    • The Terminator decimates California AIDS services with his line-item veto (americablog/gay - wockner) "Great legacy, Arnold. Maria should be so proud of you. More people will become infected. More people will get sicker and need more care. More people will probably die. Arnold really is the Terminator."
  • Naked corporate greed - you don't have to just lie down and die when they take yet another pound of your flesh - hey, would this kind of activism help clean up Wall Street?
    • Mob beats Chinese steel factory executive Chen Guojun to death (latimes) "The protesters worked at the state-owned Tonghua Iron and Steel Group, which was going to be sold to Chen's privately owned Jianlong Steel. Chen sparked the riot by announcing 30,000 workers would be laid off, the newspaper said."
  • MIC - War Profiteers:
    • Amy Goodman: Obama’s Military Is Spying on U.S. Peace Groups (truthdig) "The infiltration [by U.S. military personnel] appears to be in direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act preventing U.S. military deployment for domestic law enforcement and may strengthen congressional demands for a full-scale investigation of U.S. intelligence activities, like the Church Committee hearings of the 1970s."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • The Milky Way Over Devil's Tower (apod)