Thursday, July 30, 2009

  • MIC - America the Imperial:
    • Chalmers Johnson: Three Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire (tomdispatch) -- Reason #3: Likely insolvency similar to that of the former Soviet Union. Folks, we can't afford this lunacy.
  • Obama Continues Throwing Crumbs to Queers, But No Evidence He Will Fulfill His Oh-So-Boldly Proclaimed Promises When He Was Prostituting For Their Votes:
    • Harvey Milk to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom (gaypolitics)
  • Of Lies and Lying Liars - 'Health Care Reform' Is Now 'Health Insurance Reform':
    • John Nichols: Squeeze Insurance Profiteers, Not Medicare (TheNation)
  • United Police States of America:
    • Restore My Goddam 4th Amendment Rights!!! (bradblog) "Peter B. Collins speaks to the whistleblowers and experts still sounding the alarm as Bush-era big government intrusion continues unabated..."
  • No, Virginia, Man Is Not the Center of the Universe:
    • Multiverses: Do Other Universes Exist? (apod)