Monday, February 16, 2009

  • That Grand Old Criminal Party:
    • How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing (existentialistcowboy.blogspot) -- Substitute "Voting Irregularities in Recent Elections" for "'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations" and you have yet another amazing coincidence.
    • Chris Hedges: Bad News From America’s Top Spy (truthdig) -- "The age of the West has ended. Look to China. Laissez-faire capitalism has destroyed itself."
  • Global Warming - Environment Destruction:
    • James Hansen: Coal-fired power plants are death factories. Close them. (
    • Tropical forests may dry out and become vulnerable to devastating wildfires as global warming accelerates over the coming decades (
    • Climate change even worse than predicted: expert (yahoo/afp)
    • Indian experts find bacteria to beat global heat (indiatimes) - One of many potential attacks on the problem. Another would be to convert to the burning of wood for our energy, instead of using fossil fuel. This would require planting millions of acres to fast-growing trees that would themselves soak up CO2 from the atmosphere. Upon burning it, new technologies could be used to remove the CO2 from the emissions for safe disposal. New technologies probably are just waiting to be found and developed. Will they solve the global warming problem before it gets out of hand? Probably not, because it may already be out of hand because of feedback loops having already been set into motion. All we can really expect to do at this point probably is is to mitigate the rate and intensity of the warming somewhat -- with a lot of luck -- and gear up for BIG changes in our own and our kids' and grandkids' lives.
    • Carbon burial research grows with large-scale Illinois experiment (blog.wired) -- Humans produce several billion tons of CO2 annually. This geological formation could eventually hold more than 100 billion tons. Folks, we've got a long way to go QUICKLY to get ahead of it .
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
  • The Great Carina Nebula (apod)