Friday, February 20, 2009

  • Barack's Gang:
    • Who Will Be Left to Watch His Back When Obusha's Floor Drops Out? (commondreams)
      • Obama's legal changes may be fewer than expected (mcclatchydc)
      • Is Obama Preserving the Constitution? (smmirror)
      • Barack Obama and the Imperial Presidency (firedoglake)
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Jane Meyer: The Hard Cases (newyorker) "Will Obama institute a new kind of preventive detention for terrorist suspects?"
    • Greenwald: Charlie Savage on Obama's embrace of Bush/Cheney "terrorism policies" (salon) "Is it too early to sound the alarm bells that Obama is moving much faster and more aggressively than many expected to maintain key Bush/Cheney powers?"
    • Venezuela, An Imaginary Threat ( "Obama is maintaining a hostile policy towards Hugo Chávez – which will cost the US friendships elsewhere in Latin America"
    • The Military's Expanding Waistline - What Will Obama Do With KBR? (tomdispatch)
    • Israel/Murders in Iran: Is Israel assassinating Iran nuclear scientists? (haaretz) -- Like wet gremlins loose in the house.
    • Israel/Gaza Atrocities: Once You See What Truly Happened in Gaza, It Will Change You Forever (alternet)
  • Class Warfare/Economic Shakedown:
    • US claims 52,000 hid UBS Swiss bank accounts (ft) -- UBS admits helping tax evaders (cnn)
  • Restoring the Rule of Law:
    • War Criminals, Including Their Lawyers, Must Be Prosecuted (commondreams)
    • Scott Horton: Investigating Bush's Crimes (thenation)
    • Will Obama back 'truth commission' to probe Bush practices? (mcclatchydc)
  • Global Warming - Time for Activism:
  • Snake in the Dark (apod)