Saturday, February 21, 2009

  • Don't Drink the Water & Don't Breathe the Air (Tom Lehrer wiki - playlist - youtube - pollution):
    • Sweetness and Blight - There's mercury in our soda pop! (grist) "Why is the FDA unwilling to study evidence of mercury in high-fructose corn syrup?"
    • Biting the Hand That Seeds You (nytimes) "Biotech companies block scientists from researching environmental impacts of GMOs"
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Rewriting History: Prince of Darkness Richard Perle Denies Own Existence (washingtonpost)
  • Global Warming and Lack of Will - Why We're All Bound to Roast:
    • Rich nations failing to meet climate aid pledges ( "World's richest countries have pledged nearly $18bn to help poorer countries adapt to climate change, but less than $1bn has been disbursed"
  • Class Warfare:
  • The Grand Obstructionist Party:
    • Strong Investment (digbysblog) -- Republicons playing the judicial system to keep Sen. Al Franken from being seated and adding to the Democrat majority
      • Coleman Flip-Flops Yet Again on Counting Rejected Absentee Ballots (bradblog)
  • Social Security Under Attack -- Again:
    • Peter G. Peterson Foundation - Titanic Liars (digbysblog)
  • Our "Liberal Media":
  • The Swift View of Comet Lulin (apod)