Wednesday, February 18, 2009

  • Religious Right's Cruel Homo-Fascist Agenda - What's It's Ultimately All About - These Particular Fascist Extremists Below Are Just Honest Enough to Say It: (WARNING: Keep this little antidote nearby as you read the insanity below: 'I Do' (Bjorn Borg, youtube))
    • Utah Legislature just killed complete set of gay rights bills. (sltrib four down, one to go - last one down) Opponents lied, as they always do when they refer to homosexuality as a life-style "choice rather than an innate characteristic -- contrary to a broad consensus among psychological and medical experts."
      • Front group 'America Forever' ran full-page ads comparing "being gay to being "druggies and hookers," labels homosexuality as "anti-species behavior" and concludes that "gays should be forced not to display" their sexual orientation."
    • Jamaican MP argues that "the proper sentence for buggery should be life imprisonment."
    • Nigeria making it illegal to be gay (minnesotaindependent)
      • Matt Barber of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University School of Law and Liberty Counsel basically agrees and supports this position.
    • Minnesota: "The defense of imprisoning gays and lesbians is not new for the religious right. Right here in Minnesota, the “pro-family” group Minnesota Family Council was founded to defend sodomy laws, laws that police used for decades to arrest gays and lesbians on the street, raid and shut down gay and lesbian bars, and imprison same-sex couples. The Family Council fought vigorously in the 1980s and early 1990s to keep in place Minnesota laws that could result in the imprisonment of gays and lesbians simply based on their sexual orientation."
    • "These actions and statements reveal that “pro-family” and “traditional marriage” are code words for an agenda whose ultimate goal is the criminalization of gays and lesbians."
  • Democrats Keep On Screwing the Gays - Over and Over:
    • Bill Clinton's "Regrets" (signorile) "The entire Democratic establishment -- from Obama with Warren to Clinton with Manchester -- just doesn't give a damn about us. And that's because our groups have sucked up and accepted crumbs."
  • Prison-Industrial Complex:
  • Class Warfare:
    • Venezuelans, with $ billions at Stanford Int'l Bank, want money (uk.reuters) -- Sweet justice for greedy and ruthless wealthy Venezuelans who have fought tooth and toenail Hugo Chavez's attempts to bring democracy to the country and economic justice to the nation's impoverished majority after so many years of cruel exploitation by the Venezuelan wealthy elite class in concert with U.S. corporations promoting "U.S. national interests." One could wish only that the amounts of those wealthy Venezuelans' money misappropriated by Stanford were both higher and completely irretrievable.
  • Abraham Lincoln - Gay President?
  • Reagan's Economic Shakedown:
    • Time To Stick a Fork in Reagan's Ass (existentialistcowboy.blogspot) -- A refreshingly unconstrained description of the hollow shell of a man conservative elites selected to be their point man, and of their grand con game that would destroy our constitutional democracy in a short 28 years.
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Who are the Taleban? (bbc)
    • Obama orders 17,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan (reuters) -- Will he also pay the Taleban $ hundreds of millions (or $ billions) not to attack U.S. troops, as Bush did at the beginning in Afghanistan and also did in Iraq to bring about the so-called "surge success"? Then what happens when the money stops?
    • Israel is engaged in covert war inside Iran (reuters)
    • Israel's Crimes Against Palestinians: Who and where is the sheriff? (bbc)
  • Election Theft - Planning to Make It Even Easier:
    • If the Internet is so insecure why in the world would any responsible election official even suggest using the it to transmit completed ballots? One has to wonder what is really behind this new Internet voting push. (bradblog)
  • Satellites Collide in Low Earth Orbit (apod)