Sunday, March 15, 2009

  • Barack's Bush-Lite Gang: It's All About Deceptively Managing Obama's Positive Image While Rushing to Uphold Bush Doctrines
    • Obama drops 'enemy combatant' label while, in fact, retaining the crux of Bush's extremist detention theory (salon) "Nobody is complaining because the Obama administration is acting too slowly in renouncing these policies. The opposite is true: they are rushing to actively embrace them. And while there are still opportunities to meaningfully depart from the extremism of the last eight years, the evidence appears more and more compelling that, at least in these areas, there is little or no intent on the part of the Obama administration to do so."
  • Right Wing Destroyers - Willing to Destroy the Nation to Regain Their Undeserved Power
    • The U.S. Is Facing a Weimar Moment (commondreams) "But, as was the case with Germany in 1919, Republicans do not intend to allow the new government to succeed. They will do everything they can to undermine it. If they are successful, the U.S. may yet go the way of Weimar Germany. . . . Federal Reserve economist Lawrence Kotlikoff has suggested that the U.S. government is 'actuarially bankrupt.' . . . Without loans from China, the U.S. economy cannot be revived. The significance of this cannot be overstated: the U.S. no longer exercises sovereignty over its own economic affairs. That sovereignty now resides in the hands of China, the U.S.'s greatest long-term rival. . . . And it's not at all clear that the liberals won't fail. . . . If [Republicans] succeed in derailing Obama's efforts, the cost will be incalculable. . . . But failure now by the U.S. will shift that center [of global power] . . . from the United States to China, out of the western world where it has resided for the past 500 years."
  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
    • Nader: Seven Avoidance Indicators (commondreams) "The other day I saw Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, just about predicting another round of recklessness in about fifteen years. But he called it 'human nature' not casino capitalism. Here are seven avoidance indicators which outline what Washington is not doing to prevent another round of greed and misdeeds by the Wall Street few against the innocent many throughout the country."
    • White House says economy is sound despite 'mess' (yahoo) "In an echo of a position Obama had mocked, White House says economy is 'sound' if in a mess" -- Economist Larry Kotlikoff was quoted in an article three weeks ago, "The President's right about that. We'll get out of this. We're a very energetic nation." even though the very same Mr. Kotlikoff suggested earlier the US was "actuarially bankrupt" and proposed several draconian measures -- which to me sound very Republican -- for fixing it. Having at one time worked in the financial industry, I developed a healthy skepticism toward what economists had to say, and I apply that skepticism to his proposals. Roubini says the S&P can still drop into the 500's and the recession will continue into next year, despite Bernanke's claim to the contrary today.
  • Phony RNC Cultural Wars:
    • Wake Up America, The Democratic Party is the Pro-Life Party (consortiumnews) "When will Republicans and people of faith realize they have been duped and manipulated by the Religious Right (wholly owned by the RNCorp)?" Aborton "– along with gay marriage – is [the RNC's] 'meal ticket' to get people of faith and others to vote for them. They know where their bread is buttered." Bush insider David Kuo at first thought Bush was sincere, but left in disgust. He said the Bush team "would call the Evangelical leaders 'useful idiots.' Every week they would have to talk to the religious leaders to stroke their egos."
  • A Prominent Solar Prominence from SOHO (apod)