Monday, March 16, 2009

  • The Great Economic Shakedown - Is Tim Geithner Actually Mini-Paulson?
    • Another Giveaway? The Sad Truth about the Geithner TALF Plan (firedoglake) "This is ideology run rampant at the cost of common sense. What conceivable reason would Geithner have to pitch something like this? Would be because he doesn't believe government should make a profit, or that private investors should take losses? Or, worse than that. . ."
    • If Obama Didn’t Like Geithner’s AIG Bonus Deal, Why Didn’t He Stop It Earlier? (firedoglake)
    • Why Are AIG’s Contracts Sacrosanct But Not Union Workers’ Contracts? (thinkprogress) "Larry Summers: We are a country of law. [To which I ask, "Since when?"] There are contracts. The government cannot just abrogate contracts."
  • Military-Corporate Complex:
    • Lendman: The North American Union: Updating the Militarization and Annexation of North America (sjlendman) "In short, it's a military-backed corporate coup d'etat against the sovereignty of three nations, their populations and legislative bodies. It's a dagger through the heart of democratic freedom in all three, yet the public is largely unaware of what's happening."
    • El Salvador Elects First Leftist President (latimes) -- Time to watch 'Romero' again to see how far El Salvador has come from the tyrannical repression supported by Reagan's CIA of El Salvador's poor by its rich. If Mexico's Calderone, with the help of the Bush regime, had not stolen the Mexican election from Obrador, we would now also have one more progressive leftist government south of the border. Instead, what conservative interloper Calderone gave the world was another narcostate.
    • End of the Road for Agent Orange Victims? (ips) "Where can Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange get justice? Probably nowhere, after the United States Supreme Court refused to hear, this month, a final appeal by Vietnamese plaintiffs against chemical giants Dow and Monsanto." -- As always, the U.S. war machine has gotten away with it again.
    • Pentagon plans dirigible to spy from more than 12 miles up (latimes) Will stay aloft for ten years and spy on moving vehicles and even people. -- I can't wait to start hearing all the UFO reports these 450-foot-long aircraft generate.
    • U.S. Could Use Crisis to Wage 'Financial Warfare' (wired) -- What would our world ever be like without all its warfare planners?
    • Preparing for Water Quarrels, if Not Wars (commondreams) "1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water. About 70 percent of water is used for irrigation - and most of that is lost before it reaches the plant."
  • Martian Moon Deimos from MRO (apod)