Wednesday, March 18, 2009

  • Theocrat Watch:
    • Minor Victory Over Kentucky Religious Nut Jobs: Two Kentucky counties fined $400,000 for posting Ten Commandments in Their Courthouses (guardian/uk) "Two southern Kentucky counties where officials posted copies of the Ten Commandments in courthouses have been ordered by a federal judge to pay more than $400,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union and citizens who successfully challenged the displays."
    • Nigerian Anglican Leader Calls Gay Marriage "A Holocaust," Says the "Crime" Should Be Punishable By Five Years in Prison (americablog) -- The progressive Anglican Communion should no longer either coddle or tolerate this nazi bigot and possible collaborator in the well-planned massacre of 660 Muslims -- Archbishop Peter (The Persecutor) Akinola. Enough is enough. Basta!
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Jeremy Scahill: President Obama, Why Did You Pay Blackwater $70 Million in February? (huffingtonpost)
  • Steal That Election!
    • Diebold Admits Audit Logs in ALL Versions of Their Software Fail to Record Ballot Deletions (bradblog) "Even the audit log system on current versions of Premier Election Solutions' (formerly Diebold's) electronic voting and tabulating systems --- used in some 34 states across the nation --- fail to record the wholesale deletion of ballots. Even when ballots are deleted on the same day as an election. That's the shocking admission heard today from Justin Bales, Premier's Western Region manager, at a State of California public hearing on the possible decertification of Diebold/Premier's tabulator system, GEMS v. 1.18.19. . . . Diebold had been aware of the problem for years. , . . In addition, the software was discovered to have a 'Clear' button which, when pressed, would actually delete the contents of an audit log without even asking for confirmation from the user.
    • Officials Say Feds Inappropriately Involved in Nevada's Pre-Election ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Raid (bradblog) "US Attorney [Greg Brower] who worked with state was installed after US Attorney firings; Strongly suggests DoJ violations . . . . The manual governing how federal prosecutors are supposed to act with respect to election crimes says you should do everything in your power to conduct your investigation so that the investigation does not become an issue in the election . . . .The raid is certainly not that."
  • Global Broiling:
    • James Hansen: Corporate Lobbying Has Undermined Democratic Attempts to Curb Carbon Pollution (guardian/uk)
    • More Babies Were Born in the United States in 2007 Than Any Other Year in the Nation's History (yahoo) -- Oh so eager to totally destroy the already-collapsing global climate system by producing untold more tons of pollution to dump into the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. Too bad it's the kids who will be the ones to suffer more as they grow up and global broiling makes their lives either miserable or impossible.
  • GLOBE at Night: Help Track Light Pollution (apod)