Tuesday, March 17, 2009

  • Steal that Election!
    • E-Vote Bullet Dodged in El Salvador? (bradblog) "Challenging party wins despite 'dirty tricks' from D.C. Republicans and one creepy e-voting company..."
  • Our 'Liberal Media':
    • CNBC Hires Former Bush Flack Tony Fratto As On-Air Analyst (wonkroom) "Golly gee willikers! I feel so much more confident we'll get the straight scoop now that we'll have Dubya's Deputy Press Liar -- opps, I mean 'Secretary' there on CNBC to listen to depend on."
  • They're Everywhere! -- Except in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade, Of Course. We Just Couldn't Have That. Who Ever Heard of a Gay Irishman?
    • West Point graduates launch an LGBT alumni group (thinkprogress) "By publicly outing themselves, the 38 members of Knights Out ended once and for all the anonymity that has obscured from full view their service to the nation as West Point graduates. . . . Knights Out 'joins similar groups formed by graduates of the U.S. Naval and Air Force academies, including the U.S. Naval Academy’s USNA Out and the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Blue Alliance.'"
  • That Wonderful Religious Right Asylum - Lies for Power:
    • Pope Nazi irresponsibly tells Africans not to use condoms, that they spread AIDS (towerload) -- Using a fair set of justice criteria that the more people you hurt, the more severe your punishment, this man of great power deserves the gas chamber several times over because of all the people he has already killed and all he will kill with pronouncements such as this.
  • Tycho's Supernova Remnant (apod)