Sunday, May 24, 2009

  • The Greatest Theft of All Time:
  • The President's Own Private Army Can Do No Wrong:
    • Blowback Begins? 42-Year CIA Vet Details the Agency's Rich History of Lying to Congress (bradblog)
    • The CIA's History of Bamboozling The Congress (publicrecord)
  • Faux Protection Like This We Don't Need:
    • FBI ‘lured dimwits’ into terror plot (timesonline) "The arrest of petty crooks over a plan to target Jews has put the use of sting operations under fire"
    • 05-25 Update: Terror plotter David Williams did it for me, says sick brother Lord McWilliams (nydailynews)
  • Cat's Paw Nebula (apod) - Halo of the Cat's Eye Nebula (apod).
    • Looks so much like Little Miss Personality Plus (bandofcats), just lighten some of the black color in her fur.
    • Among the smartest of animals - Why Do Cats . . . ? (sniksnak)
  • Carina Nebula Panorama from Hubble (apod)