Monday, May 25, 2009

  • Judges today have a sometimes dangerous job: Threats to Judges, Prosecutors Soaring (washingtonpost)
    • Has the California Supreme Court caved in to RW threats to unseat them by whatever means necessary if they vote to overturn Proposition 8 and allow gays to marry in California (decision to be announced tomorrow)? The barricades already delivered to the Castro by SF police are not a good sign.
  • That Ever-Dependable Religious Wrong Crowd:
    • Nasty Colorado Springs religious right pastor, Don Armstrong, arrested for stealing nearly $300,000 (americablog - denverpost)
  • Hurray!!!!
    • California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said today it is unlikely she will run for governor (sfgate) -- This conflict-of-interest afflicted, multimillionaire, big-business protector and wife of billionaire war profiteer, has done enough damage in politics already for a lifetime. Please tell me she's retiring from politics altogether.
    • Sen. Chris Dodd's (D-Conn.) re-election chances are in doubt (briefingroom) -- The more of the weak-spined old guard Democrats leave, the better for democracy in the United States. It was on their watch that the rapacious GOP criminals rose to power and eventually stole the entire election system in the United States, and now the U.S. Treasury. Now these same old-guard, week spined Democrats and Blue Dogs are letting any political action that would really improve our lives get watered down down till it's insipid. Time to get rid of all Blue Dogs and other Democrat incumbents generally, and bring in a new group of hard-fighting, democracy minded Democrats interested in the good of all the people, not just the business owners, and who actually intend to uphold their oath to protect the Constitution, not just make hypocritical, pretty comments about it.
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers:
    • Israel/US Co-War-Criminals in Gaza: Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestine (sjlendman)
    • Feingold to Obama: Preventing Detention "Likely Unconstitutional" (progressive)
    • Olbermann Rescinds Charity Offer For Cowardly Hannity, Donates $10K For Mancow’s Waterboarding (thinkprogress)
    • Liz Cheney Reveals That Fear Of Prosecution Motivates Dad’s Media Blitz Defending Torture (thinkprogress) -- The same is obviously true of all the bull shit being spewed by Bush administration apologists all over the broadcast media.
  • Global Broiling:
    • Climate Change Summit Hijacked by Biggest Polluters, Critics Claim (guardian/uk)
  • Hubble Floats Free (apod)