Thursday, May 28, 2009

  • For all his self-aggrandizing rhetoric about civil rights, Obama seems at times a staunch enemy of civil rights:
    • Obama joked about gay protesters asking him to keep promises: "I don’t know which promise he was talking about.” (americablog) -- Obama has been conning gays that he is interested in their civil rights, and gays are beginning to wake up to that fact. -- He probably wouldn't know which promise, because a promise to this man is nothing more than a cynical rhetorical device to gain points. I can well imagine a LOT of former Obama voters sitting out the midterms because of his litany of broken promises. It seems a dead certainty that slimy GOPers will capture a number of congressional seats because of his fealty to the Establishment--and it will be Obama's fault. Truth-challenged Barack Obama is NOT a man of the people. It is obvious he is first for himself, then for the powers that be -- and we little people are not part of the powers that be, certainly not as long as elections can still be gamed.
    • Obama Needs to Do More than Swap Liberal Justices (progressive) "Obama needs to do more than just swap one liberal justice for another. He needs to make sure that his Justice Department goes into the Supreme Court to uphold the Bill of Rights, not undermine it."
  • Oil Barons Raping Land and People - Prefer Dictatorships That Don't Give a Shit About Their People:
    • Chevron, Shell and the True Cost of Oil (truthdig)
  • More Morford - What a Guy!
    • The big gay shrug - Sorry, enemies of gay marriage. Prop 8 or no, you've already lost (sfgate)
  • Military-Industrial Profiteers: Oy Veh! These are the dimwits running our devastating wars and ruining our young people's lives.
    • General orders soldiers to stop committing suicide (americablog) -- This Gen. George S. Patton wannabe looks like a good reason we only make countries that we invade worse. It's time for this anus to retire before he pushes yet more of his soldiers over the edge.
  • Radar Indicates Buried Glaciers on Mars (apod)