Tuesday, May 26, 2009

  • Cleaning Up Government - First, Get Rid of Bought-Off Professional Engineers of GOP Lies Like This First-Class Jerk:
    • Frank Luntz: It doesn’t matter what Obama’s health care plan says, we’ll still call it ‘government takeover.’ (thinkprogress)
  • Israel: The Abusee That Has Become the Heartless Abuser:
    • Amos Elon’s Warning on Israel’s Settlements (nytimes)
  • Bigotry Upheld by California Supreme Court - The RW threatened to unseat the justices and the justices must have listened:
    • PROP 8 UPHELD: Be fearless in response -- Contribute now to air our new "Fidelity" TV ad across California (couragecampaign - thinkprogress)
    • La Figa nails down the crux of the problem with this abhorrent bigoted decision by a state supreme court (lafiga)
  • The Greatest Swindle Ever Sold:
    • How the Financial Bailout Scams Taxpayers, Subsidizes Wall Street, and Props Up Our Broken Financial System (tomdispatch)
  • Whirlpool Galaxy Deep Field (apod)