Sunday, January 11, 2009

  • Obama set to nominate another What-Is-It? as his new regulatory czar (wonkroom). What's in the henhouse now!? Honestly, I don't know how much more of Obama's "inclusiveness" I can take! Just two examples of Cass Sunstein's classic mind: 1) He argued that it “might be better” to help future generations deal with global warming by “including approaches that make posterity richer and better able to adapt” than by “reducing emissions” and 2) He raised questions about the value of cleaning up Love Canal, reducing arsenic in drinking water and using child restraints in automobiles. Where to they dig up these saviors of our broken nation? Please Mr. President-Elect, go back and pray some more for the right kind of guidance. No, on second thought, don't pray - that doesn't work. Ask some progressive experts for help, that is, if you're even talking to progressives.
    • PEBO (Obama) Wants AEI Libertarian Opposed to Product Bans Deciding OMB’s Health and Enviro Rules (firedoglake)
  • Right-wing evangenital religious whackos strike again, anointing with oil the walkways and doors Barack Obama will use on his way to the platform where he will be sworn in. (rightwingwatch). Questions: Did they drop any banana peels along with that oil? Was the oil recently appropriated Iraqi oil? If their god-babble is so effective, does that mean that is why the world is in such a mess--because that is what they prayed for?
    • Oklahoma First To Push Flat Earth Legislation in 2009 (liberalvaluesblog). Would have public school science teachers "help" students understand "scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories." The topics specifically identified as controversial are "biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming, and human cloning." (washingtonmonthly). I wonder if these are the same whiz kids who got the Genius-in-Chief to insist that teachers in his fed-funded abstinence-only sex education classes, when discussing condoms could only teach them as ineffective failures (actually, not unlike himself and the evangenital religions that promote such garbage). Gee, is it any wonder that sex-illiterate victims of these programs have more unwanted pregnancies than properly educated kids (starbulletin)? --- Hmmm, is there any provision in the Constitution about what to do with a "failed state" within the United States? Can we break it up like a failed investment bank and sell off its various parts?
  • Martian Sunset (apod)