Thursday, January 15, 2009

  • Bush, the best terrorist recruiter in the world (americablog). Bush's entire war on terror has been a bogus, imaginary ruse, designed for one principal purpose--to give the monster political cover as he claimed greater and greater illegal power at home and abroad.
    • The Hypocrite-in-Chief declares January 18 as 'National Sanctity of Human Life Day (thinkprogress). The millions of his very real victims (dead and displaced Iraqis, dead third-world AIDS victims deprived of cheap life-saving drugs by his patent-protecting trade agreements and deprived of condoms by his abstinence-only restrictions for US aid, the hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers seriously injured in his firecracker-in-the-frog adventures in the Middle East, dead US children and parents without health insurance, dead and displaced Katrina victims, and millions of new poverty-stricken families worldwide--victims of his rapacious economic and deregulatory policies) probably would not take his sanctimonious pronouncement very seriously.
  • Displeased with Utah (aka Mormon bigots), gays cancel a big ski trip (americablog). Let's see more of this till it snowballs all over that bigoted state.
  • Suspension Bridge Solargraph (apod)