Monday, January 12, 2009

  • America's First Gay President Concludes Historic Second Term (theonion)
  • Obama's choice for Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, not only supported East Timor genocide, but also now appears to have lied to congress later, whitewashing Indonesia's activities in East Timor (democracynow). See also my entry on 1-7-09 (Obama picks . . .).
  • Gaza massacre: More images of what Israel's 100 to 1 payback looks like (globalresearch). Very graphic.
  • Obama has swallowed hook, line and sinker the neocon talking points about Iran's nuke bomb efforts (salon). 2007 NIE pdf consensus of all 16 US intelligence agencies concludes that Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003--which Obama touted back then. Better to now parrot neocon propaganda than appear weak to Republican opponents. How far is the Great Appeaser willing to go for the sake of bipartisan unity? Where is the military-industrial complex (illustration) in all of this?
  • Warren Pick Makes Us Ask: Will Obama Be Good for the Gays? (edgeboston). In a few days Obama's Warren inaugural insult to gays and to the rational world will be a fait accompli, except for the lingering resentment and distrust toward Obama among gays afterward. Warren never should have been chosen for such a significant symbolic occasion. Along with Obama's hiding behind mythical religion to justify his opposition to gay marriage, it gives a progressive pause.
  • Patriots Question 9/11 - Criticize the Official Myth: Professors, Engineers and Architects, Pilots and Aviation and Aerospace Professionals, 9/11 Survivors and Family Members, and Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals stand up and speak out. How many generations do we have to wait to learn the official truth of this second step of the Bush-43 coup d'etat? Maybe in another life. Corporate news media are terrified of taking on such issues at a time when something can still be done. As in the case of JFK's murder, such official information exists solely for the purpose of being sealed until all the actors are dead of old age, then maybe longer or forever.
  • Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain's Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild (ihr). And this is how the whole mess started.
  • Unusual Light Pillars Over Latvia (apod)