Friday, January 16, 2009

  • Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency (theonion video).
  • The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating (nytimes)
  • Paul Krugman: "If we whitewash the abuses of the past eight years, we’ll guarantee that they will happen again." (nytimes)
  • Rick Warren is dangerous (youtube), like most of his Dominionist partners in their fervent efforts to install a theocracy in this nation. Good link to follow - The Yurica Report.
  • In black-is-white US politics and MSM reporting of same (thewonkroom), terrorism is bad and condemned only if it is used against us or our allies, given a pass if we or our allies use it.
  • Illinois' new U.S. senator: Roland Burris. Obama replacement seated after Senate Democratic leadership makes fools of themselves (
  • What was going on when? A news and forums aggregator (fark).
  • Gaza Is a Concentration Camp (alternet). One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.
  • -17 °F and still. Heat wave on its way: high of 31 °F forecast for tomorrow. Now entering our annual period of lowest average temperatures. The curve flattens out here for about two weeks, then gradually starts to work its way up till it flattens again in July. The days have been getting longer since the first day of winter. Nature is neutral and always on the move. It's only we who place emotional filters over what nature does naturally.
  • ISS: Reflections of Earth (apod).
    • International Space Station and other satellite observations schedule (heavens-above) - Example for Tokyo on Saturday evening beginning at 6:06 pm, overhead at 6:09 pm, into earth's shadow at 6:10 pm, southwest to northeast. Partly cloudy. Good luck.