Sunday, January 11, 2009

  • Obama continuing to lay the groundwork for letting Bush criminals off scot-free (thinkprogress - washingtonmonthly - dailykos). The rule of law is dead -- except, that is, for the little guy -- who'd have guessed it. That's change we can believe in.
    • Senators say no witch hunt aimed at spy agencies (afterdowningstreet). Just repeat, "I was only following orders."
    • Note to Obama: This “Prosecute the Torturers” Issue Isn’t Going to Go Away (firedoglake Part I - Part II).
    • WPost Again Flacks for Bush's Crimes (consortiumnews) "With only 10 days left before George W. Bush leaves office, the Washington Establishment – and its chief mouthpiece the Washington Post – are trying to stymie any meaningful accountability for the outgoing administration and thus cover up for their own complicity in Bush’s crimes and incompetence." -Robert Parry
  • France bans advertising of mobile phones to children (theindependent), new limits will be placed on radiation levels amid fears of increased risk of cancer from phone use. Other nations have issued warnings. How far behind will the big-business-biased FDA be unless Obama revamps it completely? Light years.
  • Bill Moyers' sober, fact-based, even-handed video essay on Israel/Gaza (salon).
    • Naomi Klein says, "Enough. It's time for a boycott" against Israel, similar to the global BDS movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa ( Since 2006 Israel has been steadily escalating its theft and bloody criminality against Palestinians, yet enjoys broad international backing, and that backing must be stopped by people and organizations of conscience all over the world imposing broad boycotts and implementing divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era. It is time for that movement to begin.
    • UN: One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children (yahoo/ap).
    • Getting away with murder (smh). Israeli PR flacks: killing children was an act of self-defence.
    • At Least 860 Palestinians Killed, Israel Says Bombings Will Continue (voanews)
    • NYTimes Wrong: US Did Sell Israel Bombs for Iran Attack (firedoglake). Now using some of 1000 purchased US bunker busters in Gaza.
  • In the Shadow of Saturn (apod)