Sunday, March 1, 2009

  • Me and Mini-Me:
    • U.S. Rushes to Aid of Israel: Says Canada, not Israel, is the top source of ecstasy (torontostar) -- Only yesterday Haaretz in Israel was reporting "Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade."
    • U.S. will not attend U.N. conference on racism (reuters) -- U.S. doesn't want the truth to be told about Israel's apartheid and atrocities against Palestinians.
  • Military-Industrial Complex Can't Wait to Attack Iran:
    • Iran has enough nuclear fuel to make bomb: U.S. (yahoo 03-01-09) -- Bush's generals and private military contractors can't get enough of shooting off their guns -- and raking in the awaiting billions of military dollars. So they constantly misrepresent what Iran's status is. -- Where have we heard this approach before?
      • Iran NOT producing weapon-grade uranium: IAEA (thehindu 02-22-09) -- There is a monumental difference is the effort and time it takes to produce low-enriched uranium and high-enriched uranium. Even so, it's no different than N. Korea or Pakistan having the bomb. It protects them from the U.S. and ties the hands of the U.S. politicos who would otherwise like to threaten and control them. How much angst has the U.S. ever shown over Israel's possession of hundreds of nukes in their secret nuclear program? And the U.S. is quite happy to develop India's nuclear arsenal even further. Double standards make liars and hypocrites of us all. -- Furthermore, what would another war do to Obama's efforts to bring stability to the world the despicable conservatives have raped and pillaged since the earliest days of St. Ronald Reagan? More than likely Obama simply would not be able to find the money to execute the programs that could help heal the nation. Along with continuous corporate media lies about it all along the way, as now, that would be great fodder for the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns.
      • Iran "not close" to nuclear weapon: Gates (reuters 03-01-09)
      • Update 03-02-09: Bomb. Repeat (firedoglake) ''So deliberately absent from this discussion are a few minor facts - that Iran would have to 1) move the LEU out from storage in full view of international inspectors, 2) use a lot more centrifuges to enrich the uranium, which still won't be as good as highly-enriched uranium (HEU), 3) develop a nuclear warhead and prove it will work (maybe AQ Khan can help them), 4) develop a small enough nuclear warhead for a ballistic missile, and 5) convince the world that it wants to use its one nuclear weapon to blackmail Israel, Europe, and the United States. Sounds like a tall order."
  • In Praise of Diversity:
    • Self-Portrait in His 30's of World-Class Homosexual Leonardo da Vinci Teased From Pages of Codex (telegraph/uk) -- Oh, how he liked to hide images in plain sight! What would this world be like without the many great contributions of both Leonardo and the other great homosexuals and bisexuals of history, such as these, or these, or these, or these, or these. What a drab shroud our culture would indeed be if thousands of very productive gays had not made their vibrant contributions to its real tapestry. -- I have also long been of the opinion that if gay traits were ever one day successfully bioengineered out of human DNA, lacking the mitigating gentle influence of the usual gay personality intermingled throughout the population, violence-dominated straights might be likely to wipe each other out in short order.
  • Leftward Ho!
    • Bolivia Ratifies New Constitution Returning Power to the People (upi) -- What a novel idea! Do you suppose it could catch on in the good old United Police States of America, Inc., where corporations have more rights and power than the people?
  • That 'Phony War on Drugs':
    • Legislation to Overhaul New York's Rockefeller Drug Laws Moves Ahead Swiftly (nytimes) -- It's a start. Maybe saner minds will prevail and begin to give this move nationwide momentum. For far too many years, legislators have taken the most cruel and easy of paths: setting mandatory sentencing limits on drug offenses, thus overburdening our prison system for minor crimes and exploding our prison population to the largest of any in the world. Oh, but what a profitable boost to the prison-industrial complex. You don't suppose any of those profits have been recycled back into campaign contributions for political friends, do you?
  • Tiresome, Hateful RW Religious Wackos - What Would We Ever Do Without Them?
    • New Mexico Chooses Hatefulness and Intolerance (opednews)
  • Omega Centauri: The Largest Globular Cluster Known (apod)