Tuesday, March 3, 2009

  • Barack's Gang - A Flash of Insanity in an Insane World:
  • A Flash of Sanity in an Insane World:
  • The Great Economic Shakedown:
    • Robbin' the Hood (opednews)
    • Change for the Worse (opednews)
    • Enough of Everything but Dollars - The Money Party at Work (opednews)
  • Military-Industrial Complex:
    • Tariq Ali: Pakistan's Drift into the Hands of Extremists (guardian/uk)
    • Israeli Attrocities And Apartheid Against Palestinians: Israel Boycott Movement Gains Momentum (ips)
    • It’s time for the madness to stop (onlinejournal)
  • Restore the Rule of Law:
    • Prosecuting the Bush Team? (fpif) "In view of the problems indicated here, it is unlikely that a criminal prosecution of the Bush advisors for their role in propagating torture will occur." -- My question about this article is: Is it designed to guide away from criminal prosecution because of partisan notions, or is it a fair and honest assessment?
    • White House-RNC Self-Incriminating Email Backed Up in Chattanooga? (locustfork)
  • Our 'Liberal Media':
    • Is multi-billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch also a despicable homophobic bigot? Why Much of Asia Didn't Hear Sean Penn's "Homo-Loving" Speech or 'Milk' Writer Dustin Lance Black's Acceptance Speech (alternet) -- See also my 03-02-09 entry (Starve The Beast: . . . ) about some of his other wonderful attributes. What a great guy to have in this world! Reminds me somewhat of Hannibal Lecter. Brilliant man!
  • The Helix Nebula from La Silla Observatory (apod)